Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Most patients report symptom relief within 2–4 weeks, but it can take up to 6 months for full hormone optimization.

  • The length of time the pellets last depends on several factors, including gender, weight, and absorption rates. They can last between 3–6 months, and are usually reinserted 2–4 times per year.

  • Side effects are rare, but some patients may experience mild acne or facial hair, and less than 1% may experience hair thinning.

  • The insertion procedure is quick and painless, and involves injecting the pellets under the skin. A local anesthetic is applied to the insertion site before the procedure, and some tenderness, redness, and bruising is normal for up to 3–4 days afterwards.

  • The BioTE® process is subcutaneous (under the skin) injected hormone pellets. These pellets contain natural testosterone and other hormones to provide a bounty of benefits to your health. The Biote Method of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) using pellet therapy is customized to each person’s unique physiology based on a consultation and extensive lab work.

Every patient’s symptoms are unique, so each journey is customized. We measure individual hormone and nutrient levels using a quick yet comprehensive blood work test. The results are then processed with BioTE’s proprietary dosing platform — delivering precision and preventive patient care plans. Schedule your FREE consultation today!