Addressing Facial Wrinkles


We offer 3 neurotoxin treatments that are the most effective way to improve facial wrinkles caused by the movement of muscle. Results are excellent in all age groups, softening existing lines and preventing new lines from forming.

Ask your expert provider which neurotixin is right for you!


Frown lines
Forehead lines
Crow’s feet
Lip lines


15- 30 minutes


Redness for about 15 minutes. Potential bruising, which can last for up to 1 week.


After Botox and Dysport you may begin to notice results within 3-4 days, and results will maximize at 2 weeks. Results can last up to 3-4 months.

Daxxify results may also begin to show up with in 3-4 days with your maximum results at 3 weeks. Daxxify has shown to extend the life of you results.

Speak to your S.Thetics Injector to find out which is right for you.



 BOTOX® and Dysport are purified proteins that, after injected, temporarily blocks nerve signals that direct facial muscles to contract during facial expressions. When muscles are prevented from contracting, the lines and wrinkles on the skin’s surface are prevented from forming. Tiny injections are made in the area that needs to be treated. Results will last from 3-4 months.

  • 01. The Consultation

    Your provider will review your medical history with you to ensure the BOTOX® treatment is right for you. In addition, your provider will take photos of the area receiving treatment.

  • 02. Preparation

    The injector will prepare and mix the BOTOX® to be injected into your skin. Be sure to check with your injector they are using FDA-cleared solutions before injection.

  • 03. Target Areas

    Your injector will ask you to make a variety of facial movements, like squinting, to recommended treatment areas. After observing your facial movements, your injector will mark the areas on your face to be treated.

  • 04. Injection Process

    After your injector marks your treatment areas, they will inject the BOTOX® into the predetermined areas. A 31 gauge needled is used, which is very small and creates only minor discomfort.

  • 05. Post Procedure

    BOTOX® can be completed in less than 30 minutes. We advise patients not to lie down for the first few hours after treatment.



  • BOTOX® in Lawrence is an approved treatment to temporarily improve the appearance of both moderate to severe frown lines between the brows and crow’s feet lines in adults.

    BOTOX® Cosmetic is one of the most extensively studied medical aesthetic treatments and is approved for cosmetic use in 97 countries.* BOTOX® Cosmetic has a record of experience that aesthetic specialists know and trust. And, the safety and efficacy of BOTOX® Cosmetic have been evaluated in both Allergan sponsored clinical trials as well as in 417 peer-reviewed articles in scientific and medical journals.

    BOTOX® Cosmetic is made of tiny amounts of a highly purified botulinum toxin protein refined from the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. Formulations, potency, and approved doses vary among botulinum toxin products, which means that one product cannot take the place of another. Those are a few reasons why there is no such thing as a “generic” form of BOTOX® Cosmetic. There have been no studies to support that other products are Unit-to-Unit equivalent to BOTOX® in Lawrence.

  • BOTOX® Cosmetic targets one of the underlying causes of frown lines and crow’s feet—the repeated muscle contractions from frowning and squinting over the years. Your specialist will inject these muscles with BOTOX® Cosmetic to temporarily reduce muscle activity. You will begin to notice a visible smoothing of your crow’s feet lines and frown lines between your brows.

  • BOTOX® in Lawrence is a technique-sensitive treatment. You should not lose the ability to show expression when you are treated by someone who is licensed, trained, and a medical expert in facial anatomy. It is important to talk to your specialist about the results you want from treatment.

  • Some patients report that being injected with BOTOX® Cosmetic feels like a pinch. Your specialist may use ice to numb the treatment area. If you are concerned about discomfort, your specialist may apply a topical numbing cream before administering your treatment.

  • Your specialist will discuss your treatment goals and perform a facial analysis to determine the appropriate treatments for you. The actual injection process takes about 10 minutes.

    What does the average treatment cost? Your cost not only includes the price of the product but more importantly, the skill and expertise of the specialist or healthcare professional who is administering your treatment. BOTOX® in Lawrence is a technique-sensitive treatment—look for someone who is licensed and trained and has experience treating patients with BOTOX® Cosmetic. Be wary of discount products or “cheap” BOTOX® Cosmetic—if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    It is more important to find an experienced specialist who will take the time to understand your treatment goals and develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

  • For the crow’s feet area, your specialist will inject 3-4 areas of the orbicularis oculi, the muscle that frames the side of the eye. This will be repeated on the orbicularis oculi muscle on the other eye.

    For the frown lines area, your specialist will administer 5 injections into muscles in your forehead—1 in the procerus muscle and 4 in the corrugator muscles.

  • After your treatment, you can resume your day. There is minimal downtime and your specialist may give you specific aftercare instructions.

  • Yes. BOTOX® in Lawrence has also been clinically evaluated in male patients. In clinical studies for moderate to severe frown lines, 17.5% of patients treated with BOTOX® Cosmetic were men. In the clinical studies for moderate to severe crow's feet, male patients comprised approximately 10% of patients treated with BOTOX® Cosmetic.