What’s new in Chemical Peels at S. Thetics Medspa + Wellbeing in Lawrence, Kansas
We are not new to chemical peels at S. Thetics Medspa! They’ve been around for many years as an option to treat the most common skin concerns. Chemical peels of the very distant past often got a very bad rap and rightfully so, for being painful, overly aggressive and harsh, often times causing weeks of unsightly downtime.
Well, they’ve come a long way since then!
Yet still, chemical peels often get overlooked in the medical aesthetics industry commonly because most patients want to forego them for stronger more aggressive treatments such as resurfacing lasers. However, there is a growing population of people that aren’t quite ready to make that big leap yet, so chemical peels are a great skincare option and with little to no downtime.
Chemical peels are also an excellent choice as maintenance treatments in between bigger treatments like lasers (Halo) or microneedling + radiofrequency heat treatments
(Morpheus8), that you may already be doing every year. Or trade a few monthly facials for chemical peels instead to spruce up your skincare routine a bit! There are many different treatment options when it comes to chemical peels at S. Thetics Medspa + Wellbeing.
Chemical peels are most commonly used for achieving more advanced exfoliation and skin brightening while improving the overall tone and texture. Now they can also provide more anti-aging benefits by promoting extra collagen production compared to chemical peels from years ago. At S. Thetics Medspa we have three levels of chemical peels based on the percentage of medical grade ingredients of each peel and how deep we want it to absorb through the many skin layers to achieve the most optimal outcomes.
Chemical Peels at S. Thetics Medspa are very different in their chemical makeup compared to peels found in non-medical spas or any over the counter. Ours are professionally applied to the patient’s skin and closely monitored by your skincare provider. They have more active medical grade ingredients that will absorb into the skin, target and treat some of the most common skin concerns most effectively. All with little to no downtime.
Level I is our most superficial, mild peel. It penetrates just the top layers of the epidermal (outermost) layer of skin. It’s great for mild yet effective exfoliation and brightening. Some may not peel much with this peel or at all, maybe just experience slight flakiness for a day or two. This peel is great on its own to achieve an all-over glow or is commonly combined with the dermaplaning treatment for added exfoliation and brightening.
Level II, a step up from Level I, is a mild to moderate depth peel, penetrating through the outermost layer of skin just into the deeper dermal layer. Mild to moderate peeling can occur for up to 3 – 7 days.
Introducing the VI Peel (Level III)
Introducing the VI Peel (Level III)
The VI peel is a Level III peel. Just like with all chemical peels, it is a type of chemical peel that is used to improve the overall appearance of the skin. It is a more powerful patented blend of medical-grade peel ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, retinoic acid, phenol, and vitamin C. The VI Peel is designed to address a variety of skin concerns, including hyperpigmentation, sun damage, melasma (hormone-induced hyperpigmentation), fine lines and wrinkles, mild acne and mild acne scarring. It works by exfoliating the outermost layer of the skin, penetrating to the deeper dermal layer and also stimulates collagen production, promoting healthy cell turnover and anti-aging. Something chemical peels of the past didn’t do.
This Level III peel involves your S. Thetics skincare provider applying the peel solution to the face layer by layer as she’s carefully monitoring your skins response. This may cause a mild tingling or “spicy” sensation. The peel is left on the skin, then specific peel instructions and take home products are given to you before leaving your appointment. Peeling typically starts with this peel on day 2 or 3 after your initial appointment, peeling can last for up to 7 – 10 days and can be intermittent. Aftercare instructions commonly include avoiding the sun, using the gentle products accordingly and avoid rubbing, picking and scratching the skin. We want the skin to peel and heal on its own with no extra “help.” PROPER AFTERCARE = BETTER RESULTS!
The VI Peel is suitable for all skin types and can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and hands. It is typically recommended in a series of two to four peels, spaced 4 - 6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results.
Your skincare provider will determine your treatment series and subsequent maintenance treatments after listening to your skin concerns and assessing your skin. Optimal chemical peel results done in a series are cumulative. It is important to note that the degree or amount of peeling does not determine how effective the peel is.
Overall, the VI Peel at S. Thetics Medspa + Wellbeing is an excellent choice for individuals looking to greatly improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of their skin. It is a relatively quick and non-invasive procedure that can provide noticeable results with minimal downtime.
Real Results with little to no downtime!
Concern: Sun Damage, Pigmentation, Aging.
Which peel is right for you? How many do I need? How much are they? When is the best time to start a peel series? All great questions and as with all our advanced medical aesthetic treatments, it is always recommended to consult with one of our skincare professionals at S. Thetics Medspa + Wellbeing. We can help you decide if chemical peels are the right treatment option for your specific skin concerns!