Stay Cool This Summer with Coolsculpting

Is your body holding onto unwanted body fat and you’ve tried everything to get it off?

Even with the healthiest lifestyle and regular exercise, many people struggle with problem areas that hold on to unwanted body fat. Luckily, here at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing, we have a solution for stubborn body fat that is keeping you from being your most confident self! 

 At S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing in Lawrence, Kansas, we specialize in a treatment known as Coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is a non-surgical body contouring procedure that helps to reduce body fat in targeted areas. Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that is backed by the Harvard-developed science of cryolipolysis, the use of freezing temperatures to break down and ultimately kill fat cells. It works by safely freezing fat cells in the body without damaging any surrounding tissue. When fat cells reach a freezing temperature for a specified amount of treatment time, they are no longer able to survive, and they do not regenerate, so your body naturally excretes them through your own lymphatic system, just like it would any other dead cells. 

Some of the most popular areas we perform Coolsculpting at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing include the abdomen, flanks (also known as the love handles), upper back (bra fat), under the jaw for the infamous double chin, the upper arms, around the booty (the “banana roll”) and inner and outer thighs. Although these are the most common areas to perform Coolsculpting,  if there is another area of your body that you have questions about, our team of experts at S. Thetics is always happy to answer any questions you may have. 

 What makes the Coolsculpting experience so special at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing is the addition of the Zwave device. Together, we combine Coolsculpting AND the Zwave technology, which gives you even more optimal fat loss results than just Coolsculpting alone. The Zwave is a sound wave acoustic device that assists in the breakdown of crystallized fat cells in the area treated. After the Coolsculpting treatment is complete, the Zwave handpiece is applied to the area by your Coolsculpting provider for three minutes to ensure the fat is broken up more evenly and at a quicker rate. Zwave technology improves the results of Coolsculpting by up to 30% and is included in the price of our Coolsculpting treatments at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing. It is not an extra charge!

Like many other treatments, the Coolsculpting experience is unique to each patient.

No two bodies are the same, and we take this into consideration when creating your personalized Coolsculpting treatment plan at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing. We always start with a complimentary in-office consultation by one of our certified Coolsculpting providers. This is required prior to every procedure to ensure you fully understand the expectations and needs of each patient. During this consultation, your Coolsculpting provider performs a full assessment of the area(s) of concern to ensure that Coolsculpting is the right option for you. This is when they will devise a thorough treatment plan, including how many treatments will be needed and your exact pricing, to achieve optimal results. These consultations usually last between  20 - 30 minutes.  We want to make sure all of your questions are answered and you feel comfortable going into your first treatment. 

Once you begin the Coolsculpting treatments, each session will take anywhere from 35-60 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. The procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical, so no need to worry about needles or scalpels, which means, that’s right… NO DOWNTIME! The only discomfort patients sometimes feel is a slight suctioning for a few seconds and a cold sensation within the first 5 minutes of the treatment before the treatment area is numb. For the rest of the treatment, it is painless and relaxing! A lot of patients rest or take a nap, watch Netflix on our flatscreen tv or bring in their laptop and catch up on work or emails! Once the treatment is complete, there is no downtime required.

There is always the possibility of slight bruising, redness, and minor swelling in the area from the suction used during the treatment, but they are very mild and resolve in anywhere from a few hours to a week. The results from Coolscultpting + Zwave can start to be seen within 3-4 weeks. Once the body has eliminated the frozen, dead fat cells, those fat cells are gone for good. In just a few months, Coolsculpting can eliminate stubborn body fat and give you permanent fat loss and the best overall body contouring results! If fat loss is something you have struggled with, our team of certified Coolsculpting experts at S. Thetics Med Spa and Wellbeing is here to help! We would love to answer any other questions you may have about Coolsculpting + Zwave technology, or anything else you are curious about!



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