Fat Reduction + Body Contouring: COOLSCULPTING VS. EMSCULPT NEO, which treatment is best for you?

Interested in body contouring & overall fat reduction but unsure whether EMSculpt Neo or CoolSculpting is best for you? You’re in the right place! Each plays a different role in addressing stubborn areas you may be self-conscious about. With the help of S.Thetics Medspa & Wellbeing, you can achieve amazing results that are in line with your own body goals without just adopting intensive exercise regimens or restrictive diets.


You’re likely familiar with Coolsculpting, but we do it differently here at S.Thetics Medspa & Wellbeing–more on that soon! Coolsculpting is based on the over 30-year-old Harvard science of Cryolypolosis (Cryo = Freeze and Lypolosis = Death of the fat cell), which essentially means “fat freezing.” CoolSculpting targets the soft, pinchable, subcutaneous fat, not visceral fat. Once fat cells are safely frozen and killed in a targeted area, the body begins to naturally dispose of them and they are gone for good.

In just one treatment, patients can experience up to a 22% reduction in their subcutaneous fat stores. Visible results can be seen within just weeks of your first treatment that just keep improving over the next few months and maintained while still adhering to a healthy lifestyle and weight. 

So, what makes our treatments at S.Thetics Medspa different?

We’ve combined CoolSculpting with the Z Wave acoustic sound wave therapy device. Combining these two technologies gives you up to 30% better CoolSculpting results...



The most commonly treated areas are the; abdomen (stomach), flanks (love handles), bra fat, triceps, butt (banana roll), inner and outer thighs, distal thigh (above knees), and submental chin (double chin).

EMSculpt Neo is newer to our S.Thetics service menu. Emsculpt Neo simultaneously emits Radio Frequency Heat (RF) and patented High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy (HIFEM+) into targeted areas of the body. Emsculpt Neo achieves three powerful things. In addition to permanently killing fat cells, it also strengthens, builds, and tones muscles, and tightens and rejuvenates the skin in the treated area.

Each 30-minute treatment causes involuntary tissue contractions equivalent to 20,000 situps, which is physically impossible to do! An initial treatment plan at S.Thetics Medspa is a series of 4-6 treatments, one session every 5-10 days. EMSculpt Neo typically results in a 25% increase in muscle mass and a 35% increase in fat reduction simultaneously at targeted treatment zones with visible results anywhere from a few weeks to up to 3 months after your series is complete. The most commonly treated areas are the; abdomen, flanks, butt, inner and outer thighs, front and back thighs, biceps, triceps, and calves. 

Just like with most advanced medical aesthetic treatments, a subsequent maintenance plan is required to sustain the results of your initial series. Your initial plan and maintenance plan will be discussed with you in great detail at your in person complimentary consultation with one of our body contouring specialists.

As two of the world’s leading body contouring procedures that are FDA approved (deemed safe and effective after published clinical trials), both CoolSculpting and EMSculpt Neo are excellent choices. Both modalities are non-surgical, non-invasive, require no downtime, and provide a pain-free way to rid your body of stubborn fat and still achieve surgical-like results in most cases. They both kill fat cells without harming surrounding organs, skin, tissue, or nerves and are very well-tolerated with high satisfaction rates. Some people fall asleep, some watch tv, and some bring their laptops and work at S.Thetics Medspa & Wellbeing while we’re ridding their fat! 


CoolSculpting and Emsculpt Neo can even make the perfect pairing. Some S.Thetics Medspa clients combine these two treatments into a single care plan and use them in rotation or together to reap even better results. To determine this or which treatment is for you, you must ask, “What do I want to achieve?” If it’s only fat loss, CoolSculpting might be the one for you. If it’s less fat and more muscle building and skin tightening you’re after, EMSculpt Neo may be preferable and a better fit to help you reveal more definition.

Everyone's shape, size, and concerns are different. Yours are unique to YOU! Your certified provider will privately assess the area(s) that concern you…touch, feel and measure the treatable areas and amount of fat there, answer any questions you may have, and put together an exact treatment plan that’s designed for just you so that we can achieve your best desired outcome, something we can’t just do over the phone!

Book a consultation with us today…we’d love to help you feel more confident in your own skin! 


Microneedling is back at S. Thetics Medspa & Wellbeing here in Lawrence, Kansas!


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