Changing seasons! How to fall and winterize your skin!

Summer is all about GLOWING, HYDRATED SKIN!


The question is, how do we keep that glow when the weather starts to change?

With fall right around the corner, many of our patients have been asking how to keep their skin feeling plump and moisturized as the colder weather starts to approach. Lucky for you, you’ve come to the right place! The S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing team is here to help you prepare your skin for fall and winter so you can keep that gorgeous glow all year round. 

One of the most important steps in preparing your skin for the colder, dryer weather is exfoliation. Proper exfoliation removes the barrier of dead skin cells and debris that can prevent products from penetrating the deeper layers of the skin. After exfoliation, fresh skin cells are uncovered, and product absorption is increased. Exfoliation also boosts circulation to give a brighter overall appearance. At S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing, we offer multiple chemical exfoliation options from the Glytone chemical peel range that can help winterize your skin. 

There are three different categories of chemical peels, based on how deeply they penetrate the skin.

There are superficial chemical peels that permeate the top layer of the skin called the epidermis. These peels are perfect for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, unclogging pores, treating mild acne breakouts, and improving overall tone and texture. These are great for someone looking for in-office skin maintenance and can be performed as often as every two to five weeks.

The next kind of chemical peel is a medium-depth chemical peel. These penetrate the epidermis, as well as part of the dermis for more drastic results. A medium-depth peel is great for someone looking to treat more pronounced wrinkles, acne scarring, and uneven skin tone. These peels should be performed every 3 to 9 months and are sometimes repeated several times to achieve the desired results.

Lastly, there are deep chemical peels, which travel into the mid and lower layers of the dermis. These peels are used to treat moderately deep wrinkles and scarring. They are only performed by dermatologists and cannot be repeated as frequently as the other two types of peels.


The most common Glytone alpha hydroxy acid chemical peel we offer is the Glycolic Acid Peel. This peel is safe, non-toxic, and has been used by dermatologists and skincare experts for years. It is available in light and medium depth concentrations, so it is customizable to your skin’s needs and desired outcome. Glycolic acid is naturally derived from sugar cane and has many skin benefits. It is best for smoothing and moisturizing the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, evening overall skin tone and texture, and clearing acne breakouts. It optimizes the efficacy and penetration of other ingredients by exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells. 

We love the Glytone Chemical Peel line at S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing because Glytone peels utilize a unique technology that allows the acids to penetrate deeper into the skin but cause less irritation on the surface than traditional chemical peels. By providing optimal outcomes with less surface trauma, the Glytone chemical peels usually require less downtime than other peels. Glytone. The skincare experts here at S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing can help you navigate which Glytone chemical peel is best for your skin type and desired outcome. There are 5 different types of chemical peels offered in the Glytone range, including glycolic acid, mandelic acid, salicylic acid, pyruvic acid, and the Jessner peel. 


  Another great chemical peel offered at S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing is the Glytone Mandelic Acid Peel. Mandelic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is naturally derived from bitter almonds. It has been used in medicine for many years as a natural antiseptic but has recently gained popularity in the skincare industry as a chemical exfoliant. This chemical peel is formulated specifically for redness-prone, sensitive, and reactive skin. It retexturizes the skin and soothes redness for a calmer, more even complexion. One of the many great benefits of mandelic acid is that it is safe for men and women with darker complexions because it brightens the skin without causing pigmentation. 

  If you are someone that suffers from oily, acne-prone skin, salicylic acid is a great option when it comes to chemical exfoliants. The Glytone salicylic acid chemical peel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help to reduce oil production, break down acne blemishes, and prevent clogged pores. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid derived from willow tree bark that is best for treating and preventing blackheads and whiteheads. It suppresses oil production at a cellular level and can visibly reduce the appearance of mild to severe acne while improving the overall clarity, texture, and tone of the skin. 

The Glytone Pyruvic Acid Peel is another great chemical peel offered at S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing. The pyruvic acid peel has many different skin benefits, making it great for oily skin, inflammatory acne, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and other premature signs of aging. Pyruvic acid is an alpha-keto acid with some characteristics comparable to salicylic acid. It helps to encourage cell renewal and collagen production, hydrate the skin, balance sebum production, and improve skin tone and texture.

The Glytone Jessner Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel that combines beta-hydroxy salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid lactic acid, and vitamin A-derived resorcinol. The lactic acid is great for exfoliating and smoothing the skin, as well as inhibiting melanin production for an overall brighter complexion. The resorcinol in this peel breaks down bonds that hold keratin molecules together, which smooths the skin’s texture. It also has antiseptic properties that help to prevent breakouts and keep skin clear. This peel helps minimize the appearance of mild to moderate hyperpigmentation and improves the appearance of oily, blemish-prone skin. 

As the weather starts to cool down, your skin can struggle to stay moisturized. The low humidity levels mixed with colder temperatures can draw moisture away from the skin and result in a dry, dull complexion. Before the weather changes, it is important to prepare your skin for these changes and winterize your skin!


Come into S. Thetics Medspa and Wellbeing and let us help you get your skin ready with a chemical peel from Glytone. Keeping your skin exfoliated is the key to keeping moisture locked in and a chemical peel is a perfect way to help moisture penetrate deeper into the dermis where it will be most effective. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about the Glytone chemical peels, so give us a call or come in to visit! 


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