4 Ways to Prioritize Your Health During National Women’s Health Month

It’s officially Women’s Health Month

which takes place in May each year. While Women’s Health matters all year long, this month offers us a great reminder to prioritize our health and wellness. As women, we often tend to neglect our own needs and put others first. However, taking care of ourselves is essential for a happy, fulfilling life.

One aspect of women’s health that often gets overlooked is urinary incontinence, which affects up to 75% of women today. Do you pee a little (or a lot) when you sneeze, cough or exercise? You’re not alone! Urinary incontinence can feel uncomfortable and embarrassing, yet a majority of women experience it! Not to mention, it can cause anxiety and loss of confidence. At S. Thetics, our mission is to help you feel good about not just your skin but your body too, which is why we’re sharing 4 treatments we offer for a little extra self care and likely needed TLC this month. 

CO2 LiftV Gel, Emsella, DiVa Laser Treatment, and PRP Shots are all excellent options for women who want to address and improve vaginal health issues associated with aging, childbearing and or stress without surgery, pain, or downtime. These treatments are all hormone-free as well and performed in a private consultation setting with experienced nurses who have over 30 years of combined experience in labor and delivery. And our medical director has been a practicing OB/GYN for over 25 years. In other words, you’re in great hands!


CO2 LiftV Gel is our newest women's health option at S. Thetics. It is a non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatment applied topically that uses the power of carbon dioxide to improve overall vaginal health. It is a safe and effective way to improve urinary incontinence and restore vaginal moisture and elasticity, while reducing dryness and discomfort during intercourse. 

During this treatment, where the gel is applied to the vaginal area, the CO2 is quickly absorbed by the vaginal tissue, causing it to release oxygen and increase blood flow to the area. This also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps maintain the strength and elasticity of the vaginal walls.

This treatment can greatly help with urinary incontinence while also increasing your sexual sensation. We love CO2 LiftV because it's simple and once advised by your provider can be done in the privacy of your own home. You can return to your normal activities immediately after the procedure, and most women said they experienced immediate improvement after just one treatment. Our nurses will consult  with you to determine what your treatment plan looks like for you and your intimate concerns.



Emsella is a chair that uses High Frequency Electromagnetic Stimulation (HIFES) to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This treatment is FDA-approved and helps with urinary stress and urge incontinence, pelvic floor tissue laxity, increased blood flow to the vaginal tissue, and improves sexual function.

During the Emsella treatment, you’ll sit on a specialized chair that emits electromagnetic energy. This energy stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, causing them to involuntarily contract and relax repeatedly. These contractions help to strengthen the pelvic floor, which is actually a group of muscles just under the bladder. Clinical studies have been published on Emsella and confirm 95% improved overall quality of health. For women, each 28 minute treatment is equivalent to 11,200 Kegel exercises that we often neglect or forget to do on our own. 

One of the most common questions we receive is if you’ll be clothed during this treatment. The answer is “Yes!” You will remain fully clothed throughout the procedure, and there is no downtime required. In fact, this treatment only takes 28 minutes, too! An initial series of consecutive treatments is required and just like with all of our advanced treatments, it requires maintenance to ensure that results are achieved from the series. Your nurse provider will help determine what those plans look like for you! 

Some women see results within just a few weeks of their first session.


DiVa Laser Treatment

This is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment that uses a specialized laser to improve vaginal health and sexual function. DiVa has been shown as safe and effective for women who are experiencing vaginal laxity, dryness, or discomfort during intercourse or who experience urinary incontinence. 

During the DiVa laser treatment, a small, thin wand is inserted into the vagina, and laser energy is delivered to the vaginal walls. The laser energy rebuilds collagen and elastin, which results in skin laxity improvement and increased sexual lubrication and sensation.

The procedure itself takes only five minutes to complete, and there is no downtime required. Most women experience light “spotting” for an hour or possibly a day or two. You can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment. Most women typically require a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Your provider will complete a thorough consultation and health health evaluation with you first and foremost to assess your concerns and create your treatment plan.


PRP Shot

The PRP Shot at S. Thetics, is a revolutionary approach to improve sexual intercourse and stress urinary incontinence. You may have also heard this referred to as the “O-Shot.” This treatment is non-surgical and will use your own platelet-rich plasma to rejuvenate the vaginal tissue. 

During the PRP shot procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient's arm, and the blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the vaginal tissue. The PRP contains growth factors and other healing compounds that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin – which is similar to our other favorite treatments we mentioned above, just in a different way!

Most women who have received the PRP Shot have experienced an improvement in their sexual response and ability to hold their urine shortly after the injections. Some have had profound and nearly immediate increases in their sensitivity, but most women note a more gradual response over several weeks, which can last many months to several years before being repeated. Results have also shown to last up to a year! Of course, each person is different, which is why we’ll work with you to determine your best plan for treatment.


So many options! Which “One” or “Ones” are right for you?

It's worth noting that every woman's body is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for urinary incontinence or other women's health concerns. A combination of these treatments may be just what you need to achieve the desired results you are seeking. And while these treatments can improve urinary health, they can also enhance overall sexual health and confidence. As we like to say here at S. Thetics, each option is just a different tool in the toolbox.

Women's Health Month is the perfect time to prioritize your health and well-being. If you are experiencing urinary incontinence or other women's health concerns, we look forward to working with you to find the right treatment.


Schedule your complimentary consultation today with one of our specialized nurses and get on the road to a better, more healthier YOU and ask us about ways to save on all these treatments this May!


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